MH-17 crash: EU extends sanctions on Russia
In the wake of the Malaysian Airplane MH-17 crash that happened over eastern Ukraine recently, European Union has extended the sanctions on Russia. The imposition of sanctions on Russia was started with the country’s annexation of Crimea in eastern Ukraine in February 2014.
The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the European Union (EU) approved the sanctions during a meeting held in Brussels, Belgium.
The extended sanctions include names of 15 individuals and 18 firms from Russia and Ukraine. These names have been added to the existing list of 72 individuals and two companies against whom visa bans and asset freezes have been imposed.
The high profile names include the head of the Russian Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and Sergei Beseda, head of the FSB department that supervises international operations and intelligence activity. The names of four members of Russia’s Security Council have also been added to the list.
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: International / World Current Affairs