Bolivia legalizes Child Labour

Contrary to the efforts across the globe to curb child labour, Bolivia has become the first nation to legalize it from age 10. Country’s Congress approved the legislation, and Vice-President Alvaro Garcia inked it into law in the absence of President Evo Morales, who was travelling.
As per the supporters and sponsors of bill, lowering the minimum work age from 14 simply acknowledges a reality: Many poor families in Bolivia have no other choice than for their kids to work. The bill also stipulates safeguards for working children.
Under the legislation, 10-year-olds will be able to work as long as they are under parental supervision and also attend school. The minimum age for a child to work under a contract has been set at 12. They also would have to attend school.
The legislation is also in support of the unionized young workers who marched on Congress to prevent it from ratifying a lower limit of work age of 14.



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