7th Economic Census: First time digital; to be complete by 2020

The Seventh Economic Census is being conducted nationwide through Common Service Centres (CSC) and is expected to be completed by March 2020. This is the first time the census is being conducted digitally.


As the census is being conducted digitally, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation conducting the census has tied up with CSC e-governance services for the 7th census. Currently the census is being held in Delhi. Delhi is the 26th place where the census is launched. The process is long and will take minimum of three months to complete the census in Delhi region alone. Already the census is on in 20 states and 5 union territories.

Initially the economic census process will take minimum of 2 years to complete. With digital processes implemented in the census, it is being completed in less than 6 months according to the Ministry. Around 1.5 lakh trained enumerators have been employed in the census. They will visit 35 crore households and establishments to carry out the census.

Economic Census

The Indian Economic Census is counting entrepreneurial units in the country. It involves both agricultural and non-agricultural activities. It provides information such as number of persons employed, number of establishments, type of ownership, source of finance, etc. The information provided by the census is used to plan and assess contribution of various sectors towards GDP of the country.

Indian Economic Census

The Indian Economic Census was first launched in 1977. So far 6 census have been conducted in the years 1977, 1980, 1990, 1998, 2005, 2013. The economic census 1980 and 1990 were integrated with population census.


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