73 Countries join Climate Ambition Alliance at COP25

Around 73 countries have joined the Climate Ambition Alliance (CAA) at the COP25. The alliance is led by Chile and was launched at the Climate Action Summit, New York in 2019.

Both Chile and UK will work together to mobilize additional actors to join the alliance. They will also work towards COP26 that is to be held in November 2020 at Glasgow, UK.

Climate Ambition Alliance

The CAA will focus on Nationally Determined Contributions in order to achieve Net Zero by 2050. It will focus in resilience in infrastructure, management of water and sustainability of cities. The main purpose of the alliance is to upscale 2020 targets of members of UN and to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050.

Significance of the alliance

The alliance is important to enhance the Nationally Determined Contributions of countries all over the world. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in its Emissions Gap Report, 2019 warned that in order to achieve the goal of 1.5°C increase in temperatures over pre-industrial levels, it is essential to reduce the emissions by 7.6% between 2020 and 2030.

Emissions Gap Report, 2019

The Emissions Gap Report that was released by the UNEP in December 2019, measures the gap between measures being done and measures to be done to tackle climate change.

Key Findings of the report

The report says that the global temperature will increase by 3.2 degrees by 2100 as compared to pre-industrial levels. The top four emitters of the world namely China, USA, European Union and India contributed to 55% of total emissions in the last decade.

Suggestions of the report

The report suggests that a minimum of 1.58 billion USD of annual investment in renewable sector is required for efficient energy use. It also says that solutions like coal phaseout, decarbonization of transport and industries and increased access to electricity will help tackle climate change.


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