50 General Knowledge Questions for Class-I Kids

1.What you would call to those things which do not breathe?

Answer:  Non-living things

2.Name one example of non-living thing.

Answer:  Pencil

 3.Who need air, water and sunlight for food?

Answer:  Plants

4. Is human a living or Non-living?

Answer:  living

5.What is the main feature of living things?

Answer:  Breathing

6.Are plants living or non-living?

Answer:  living

7.Why do we need food?

Answer:  To grow

 8.What does food provide us?

Answer:  Energy

 9.What do we get from cotton plants?

Answer:  Cotton

 10.Which animal give us wool?

Answer:  Ship

11. Which part of your body tells you whether the food you eat is tasty or not?

Answer:  Tongue

12. Is it possible to brush without thumb?

Answer:  No

13. What should we wear when it rains outside?

Answer:  Raincoat

 14. Where your mother cooks food?

Answer:  Kitchen

 15. How many total fingers do you have?

Answer:  10 including 2 thumbs

 16. Which has red color out of these three?
  1. Rose B. Lotus C. Sunflower

Answer:  Rose

 17. During which season we people wear cotton clothes?

Answer:  During Summer season

18. What should we prefer during winter season?
  1. Tea or B. Cold-drink

Answer:  Tea

19. Why we go to school daily?

Answer:  To learn

20. Look at the sky! What is the color of sky?

Answer:  Blue

21. What is the color of grass which you see in parks and gardens?

Answer:  Green

22. What should you do to build your immunity?

Answer:  Eat green-leafy vegetables

23. Is Cold-drink healthy or Non-Healthy Drink?

Answer:  Non-healthy

24. Name two tasty and healthy summer drinks?

Answer:  Lemon Juice and Mango Shake

25. We go to ______ when we fall sick.

Answer:  Doctor

 26. Who is the Prime Minister of our country?

Answer:  Narendra Modi

27. What is the name of your country?
  1. India B. Hindustan C. Bharat D. A, B, C

Answer:  India, Hindustan, Bharat

28. In which class do you read?

Answer:  CLASS 1st

29. How many months are there in 1 year?

Answer:  12

30. How many days are there in 1 week?

Answer:  7

31. What comes after Zero?

Answer:  one

32. Suppose you have 5 chocolates. After some time, your father comes and give you 5 more. Now, how many total chocolates do you have?

Answer:  5+5=10

33. How many colors are there in a rainbow?

Answer:  7

34. What comes after Saturday?

Answer:  Sunday

33. What is 5+3=?

Answer:  8

34. What comes after 99?

Answer:  100

25. You like mangoes. You eat them. Can you identify their taste?

Bitter or sweet

Answer:  Sweet

26. What is shape of your loving ball?

Answer:  Round

27. What is use of your ears?

Answer:  Listening

28. Which letter comes between A and C?

Answer:  B

29. I eat grass. I provide you milk. Please Identify me?

Dog or Cow or Donkey

Answer:  Cow

30. I am very soft. I have sharp teeth. I like to eat mice. Do you know me?

Answer:  Cat

31. I am the king of jungle. All animals obey me. Do you know me?

Answer:  Lion

32. I can smell things and have 4 legs. I can be your pet. Who I am?

Answer:  Dog

33. What should you drink in morning for good body-building?

Answer:  Milk

34. Six minus six is

Answer:  Zero

35. Where do we put spectacles on?

Answer:  On the eyes

36. Can you stop the blinking of your eyes?

Answer:  No

37. Is your school bag a living thing?

Answer:  No

38. Name the two fruits which are red in color.

Answer:  apple and pomegranate

39. Can fish live on land?

Answer:  No

40. I am very naughty animal. I like to jump on trees swiftly. Reveal me?

Answer:  Monkey

41. Why do we use eraser?

Answer:  for removing the mistakes

42.What we call to the food which we eat during night?

Answer:  Dinner

43. We walk and run with the help of our_____________

Feet or hands

Answer:  Feet

44. Identify good quality out of these two:
  1. Honesty B. Cheating

Answer:  A.

45.Identify the pronoun from Chair, Apple, Teacher and She.

Answer:  She

46. Identify the pronoun from this statement: Her mother recently bought a beautiful teddy bear.

Answer:  Her

47. Identify the noun from Teacher,  She and He.

Answer:  Teacher

48. What we serve first when guests arrive at our home?

Answer:  Water

49. Who is the national bird of India?

Answer:  Peacock

50. I am of green color. My beak is red. I can fly.

Can you reveal my identity?

Answer:  Yes, Parrot

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