5 June: World Environment Day celebrated
Every year World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June globally. It is celebrated to raise awareness globally about environmental issues and action that has to be taken to tackle them. The day is organized around an annual theme in order to draw attention towards pressing environmental issues.
World Environment Day
- Background: After the Conference on the Human Environment, or the Stockholm Conference in June 1972, the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution (A/RES/2994 (XXVII)) in December 1972 to designate June 5 as World Environment Day. The date 5 June coincides with the first day of landmark Stockholm Conference. The day was first celebrated in 1974, and since then it is widely celebrated in more than 100 countries and continues to grow to become a global platform for public outreach.
- Theme for the World Environment Day 2019 was ‘Beat Air Pollution’. It has been chosen by this year’s host, China. It is a call for action call to combat the global crisis.
- According to United Nation the ‘Air Pollution’ topic invites people to consider how they can change their everyday lives to reduce the amount of air pollution and what effect their contribution will be towards global warming and on health.
- Globally 9 out of 10 people are exposed to levels of air pollutants that exceed safe levels set by World Health Organization (WHO).
Celebration in India
- On occasion on World Environment Day India reaffirmed its commitment to ensure a cleaner and sustainable planet. It accepted that living in harmony with nature will lead to a better future.
- India is committed to address climate change emergency and to ensure cleaner, greener planet and eco-friendly habitat to our children.
The Environment and SDG
- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development states the need for global effort to ensure lasting protection of our planet and its natural resources.
- Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG14 and SDG15 focuses on protecting under water and on land ecosystems, also to sustainably use marine and terrestrial resources.
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2019