3000 houses handed over to Sikkim Earthquake affected under REDRH scheme

After a prolonged delay, 3000 houses in rural areas have been completely built under Sikkim’s REDRH scheme.


REDRH scheme refers to the Reconstruction of Earthquake Damaged Rural Houses project. This project was sanctioned under the PM’s Special Package after the Sikkim earthquake. A total of 7,972 houses have been sanctioned under the scheme by the PM’s Special Package.

Mode of building houses

The Project follows an owner driven implementation model. The core house design, building standards, construction material (cement and steel), technical supervision and capital will be provided by the government, while the owner has to undertake the actual construction, procure local construction material (stone, sand, timber etc) and arranged for mason and labour. Where the government provided funds are insufficient, the owner will have to add their own finances.

State of progress

While 3000 houses have been completed, 2000 more houses have crossed roof level, and 2500 houses have crossed plinth level and work is underway on the remaining 472 houses
The scheme is centrally sponsored, so all the funds are provided by the Centre under the PM’s Special Package. The total cost sanctioned for the project by the Centre is Rs. 389.83 cr, of which the Sikkim government has received Rs. 227.03 cr from the Centre


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