2nd Joint Logistics Node (JLN) of tri-services becomes operational in Mumbai

The 2nd Joint Logistics Node (JLN) of tri-services has recently become operational at Naval base in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The first JLN consisting of the three services was set up at Andaman and Nicobar Islands in 2018.These centres will be used by the three services to procure rations, critical spares, and ammunition for basic weapons like rifles used by the Navy, Air Force and Army. The move aims to improve utilisation of resources, manpower and remove duplication. It has given the Indian defense forces a much-needed advantage against their adversaries, particularly those using the sea route from Pakistan. The JLN consists of three elements – the Joint Logistics Command & Control Centre (JLC&CC), which is the overall command organisation, the Tri-services Detachment at Material Organisation (TRIDAMO), which will meet logistical needs of the armed forces and the Triservices Advanced Detachment.

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