21st ASEAN summit ended in Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh

The 21st ASEAN summit concluded in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The summit was presided over by the PM of Cambodia, Hun Sen, as the Chairperson of the summit. The summit was centered on things like progress of the implementation of ASEAN Charter and Roadmap for an ASEAN community.

ASEAN Head of States appointed Le Luong Minh as the ASEAN’s upcoming Secretary General for the next 5 years. The nomination followed alphabetical rotation policy.

About ASEAN:

ASEAN or Association of South East Asian Nations is a group of nations (currently 10 nations) which was brought into existence on August 8, 1967 after ASEAN declaration (also known as Bangkok declaration).

Founder countries of ASEAN were:

  • Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand

Later the body expanded with the joining of 5 more nations which are:

  • Brunei Darussalam, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Cambodia did the latest entry in the group in 1999.

Basic theme behind the establishment of ASEAN was to promote social progress, economic growth and cultural development b/w member countries and resolution of differences by peaceful negotiations.



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