Page-14 of GKToday Archives: July, 2024

New Deep-Water Shark Species Discovered in Kerala

At Sakthikulangara fishing harbor in Kerala, scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) found a new species of deep-water dogfish shark. They named it Squalus hima. This new finding, which was published in the journal Records of the ZSI, ..



World Population Prospects 2024: UN

The most recent “World Population Prospects 2024” study from the United Nations gives us a lot more information about how many people are expected to live on Earth in the future. According to key findings, the world’s population will hit ..



NABARD Launches Rs 750 Crore Agri-SURE Fund for Startups

The “Agri-SURE” fund was created by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) because agriculture needs new and long-lasting ways to grow right away. The project is being run by NABVENTURES, a branch of NABARD, and has a ..




It is called “Mars Dune Alpha” and is a 1,700-square-foot building made with 3D printing at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. It has bedrooms, bathrooms, a work area, a robot station, a gym, and a vertical farm, among ..



Daily Current Affairs Quiz: July 13, 2024

1. What is ‘Squalus hima’, recently seen in news? [A] A new species of dogfish shark discovered from southwest coast of India[B] A novel type of coral reefs found in Arabian Sea[C] An endangered frog species found in eastern ghats[D] ..

Who is Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Principal Adviser for TB Elimination?

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently appointed Prof. (Dr.) Soumya Swaminathan is in charge of the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP). This volunteer, unpaid job shows how much she cares about public health and India’s efforts to fight ..



India-Taiwan Agreement Boosts Organic Product Trade

The India-Taiwan Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for Organic Products will go into action on July 8, 2024. It is a plan to boost trade between India and Taiwan in the organic products sector. Even though the two regions don’t have ..



Bangladesh Joins Colombo Security Conclave as Fifth Member

The Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) is a group of regional security experts who work together to solve naval security problems in the Indian Ocean. The CSC was created in 2020 by India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives as starting members. ..



What is Medical Devices Information System(MeDevIS)?

The Medical Devices Information System (MeDevIS), which was just released by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a major step forward in healthcare around the world. This online tool, which anyone can use, aims to improve how medical devices are ..



New Microcontinent Discovered Off West Greenland

Scientists have recently found a hidden microcontinent in the Davis Strait, west of Greenland. They have named it the Davis Strait proto-microcontinent. This finding shows how complicated tectonic movements have changed the Earth’s geological structure over time. Formation of the ..

