2020 observed as Year of Mobility by CISF

The CISF observes 2020 as the “Year of Mobility” for the welfare of the troops. It will focus on construction of residential units and implementation of welfare measures.


In the year of 2020, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) will aim at creating infrastructure for their families. It will also aim at focusing on sports and physical fitness leveraging modern gadgetry. It is essential to equip the forces with modern instruments as the force plays major role in the security system of the country. They guard civil airports, nuclear power stations, mines, thermal power stations in private domain as well.


The CISF was initially established under the CISF act, 1968. It was converted into armed force under an amendment to the act in 1983. It is the largest security system in the world with more than 1,65,000 soldiers employed. The force also has a separate fire wing that respond to fire emergencies. The Force is operated under Union Ministry of Home Affairs.

The training sector of CISF comprises of NISA (National Industrial Security Academy) and six recruit training centres.

They also protect seaports, airports, heritage monuments, nuclear power plants, space installations. They also play a major role in disaster management.


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