18 December: International Migrants Day

The United Nations (UN) International Migrants Day is observed every year on December 18 to rcreate awareness about the protection and safety of the migrants. It also recognize efforts, contributions and rights of workers and members of their families worldwide. The theme for year 2017 is “Safe Migration in a World on the Move”.

Protection of refugees and migrants

In September 2016, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had adopted set of commitments during its first ever summit on large movements of refugees and migrants to enhance protection of refugees and migrants. These commitments collectively are known as New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (NY Declaration).
The New York Declaration reaffirms importance of international protection regime and represents commitment by UN member states to strengthen and enhance mechanisms to protect people on move. It paves way for adoption of two new global compacts in 2018: global compact on refugees and global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.


The UNGA had proclaimed 18 December as International Migrants Day after taking into account large and increasing number of migrants in the world in December 2000. This day marks adaptation of international convention on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families (resolution 45/158) by UNGA on 18 December 1990.


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