17 November: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was observed on 17 November 2019.  This day is observed every year across the world on the third Sunday of November. It marks appropriate acknowledgment of victims of road traffic crashes and their families. The theme (motto) of this year’s World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was “Life is not a car part”. It was based on Pillar 3 of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety – Safer vehicles.


Road traffic crashes are major cause of death among all age groups and leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years. The risk of dying in road traffic crash is more than 3 times higher in low-income countries than in high-income countries.

More than half of all road traffic deaths across the world are among vulnerable road users. Pedestrians, cyclists, and riders of motorized 2- and 3-wheelers and their passengers are collectively known as “vulnerable road users”. They account for half of all road traffic deaths around the world. According to UN estismates, low-income countries record higher proportion of deaths of vulnerable road users as compared to high-income countries.

About World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

It was started in 1993 by Road Peace, a national charity for road crash victims in United Kingdom. Since then it is observed and promoted worldwide by several Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), including European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) and its associated organizations. Its observance on every third Sunday in November each year was officially designated by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 26 October 2005 by adopting resolution 60/5. To commemorate this day, WHO and UN Road Safety Collaboration encourage governments and NGOs around the world to.

Significance of this day: It has become an important tool in global efforts to reduce road casualties. It offers opportunity for drawing attention to scale of economic and emotional devastation caused by road crashes and also for giving recognition to suffering of road crash victims and work of support and rescue services.


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