14 Minor Forest Produce Items included under MSP Scheme

The government has decided to include 14 new minor forest produce items under the mechanism for marketing of minor forest produce by the minimum support price scheme.


  • This new mechanism will help to provide remunerative and fair prices to tribal gatherers of forest produces.
  • The items which have been included in the scheme include- Tasar Cocoon, bamboo shoot, elephant apple dry, wild dry mushroom and malkangani seed.

Minimum Support Price (MSP)

  • It is an agricultural product price which is set by the Government of India to purchase directly from the farmer.
  • MSP is not enforceable by law.
  • This MSP rate is decided to safeguard the farmer to a minimum profit for the harvest in case the open market has lesser price than the cost incurred.
  • Price is set for 23 commodities twice a year.
  • It is set on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) since 2009.


The Minimum Support Price was announced for the first time in the year 1966-67 for wheat. The MSP was decided in the light of Green Revolution and extended harvest in order to save the farmers from depleting profits.

Minor Forest Produce (MFP)

It includes all non-timber forest produce of plant origin. It also includes bamboo, fodder, leaves, canes, waxes dyes, gums, resins and many forms of food like nuts, honey wild fruits, lac, tusser etc. MFP It provides both subsistence and cash income for people living in or near the forests.

MFP through MSP scheme

It is a centrally sponsored scheme. The scheme ensure that the tribal population gets remunerative price for the MFP and seeks to provide them alternative employment avenues. The mechanism for marketing of minor forest produce through minimum support price and development of value chain for MFP’ scheme is done by the State designated agencies. To assure the market price, the services of market correspondents are availed by the designated agencies.


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