117 new Mandis integrated to E-NAM platform

On May 11, 2020, around 117 mandis were integrated with E-NAM (National Agriculture Market). This has increased the number of Mandis in the country to 962.


The Union Minister of Agriculture launched the mandis through video conferencing. These online Mandis are now being used to trade coconut and bamboo as well. As of May 9, 2020, around 3.43 crore metric tonnes of bamboo and 37.93 metric tonnes of coconut have been traded. Currently, 150 commodities are being traded through the platform. It includes oil seeds, vegetables, fruits, fibers and food grains.

More than 1,005 Farmer Producer Organization have been registered under the ENAM Platform.

Farmer Producer Organizations

The Agriculture Ministry in April 2020 had launched Logistics module, FPO trade module and eNWR based warehouse module. This helped integrating FPOs from 15 states with the platform.


It is to be noted that recently, around 200 mandis were integrates with the E-NAM platform.

ENAM Platform

The ENAM platform is a single window service for the APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) related services and information. This includes commodity arrivals, information about quality of the product and their prices, electronic payment settlement for better access of the market.

India’s Vision

India is currently working towards “One Nation One Market”. The integration of Mandis will help achieving this by taking the total numbers included in the platform to 1000.


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