100 years of Chauri Chaura incident

Chauri Chaura is located in Gorakhpur of Uttar Pradesh. Mahatma Gandhiji called off the non – cooperation movement due an incident that occurred in Chauri Chaura. The incident occurred on February 4, 1922. India recently celebrated the 100 years of the Chauri Chaura incident.

What happened?

On February 4, 1922, the volunteers of the Non – Cooperation movement proceeded to a local police station. They held a procession. The police fired at the procession. In retaliation, the volunteers set the police station on fire. Some police men tried to escape the fire. They were caught and beaten to death. This is referred to as the Chauri Chaura incident.


Mahatma Gandhiji launched the non – cooperation movement on August 1, 1920. The movement boycotted foreign goods. It mainly included machine made clothes. Also, the people refused to assist rulers who misrule the country. Education and administrative institutions were boycotted.

Consequences of the incident

Around 172 people were sentenced to death by the Britishers. But in all 19 were hanged. Mahatma Gandhiji condemned the killing of the policemen. Chauri Chaura support fund was created. Gandhiji stopped the non – cooperation movement.

Gandhiji went on a fast for five days after the incident. He held himself responsible for the incident. He withdrew the non – cooperation movement on February 12, 1922.

Why did Gandhiji stop Non – cooperation movement?

The movement was supposed to be non – violent and peaceful. Under the movement, Gandhiji wanted people to relinquish their government jobs and titles, stop going to government schools, not serve in the British army and not pay taxes. He did not want violence in the movement. The violence in the incident forced Gandhiji to stop the movement.

What is India doing to commemorate the incident?

PM Modi launched Chauri Chaura centenary celebrations. A postal stamp commemorating the incident was launched. The Uttar Pradesh government is to renovate the Chauri Chaura Shaheed memorial into a heritage tourist spot.



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